Kiara Advani kicked off her sister Ishita’s wedding festivities with an intimate bachelorette. Yesterday, Kiara attended her sangeet ceremony and served a head-turning look for a modern bridesmaid. She wore a pink cut-out dress and looked straight out of our tropical-fashion dreams.
Kiara Advani and her stylist, Lakshmi Lehr, posted a video and several photos of the Shershaah star striking stunning poses. The ensemble Kiara chose for her bridesmaid look is from the shelves of designer Monisha Jaising. Kiara captioned the post, “When you’re ready in time to get a reel in”.
Kiara’s dress comes in different tones of the eye-pleasing fuchsia pink shade. It features a broad double-strapped one-shoulder neckline with a keyhole detail, intricately-placed cut-out on the star’s toned midriff, and a flowy floor-grazing skirt. In the end, the risqué thigh-baring slit on one side added a feminine charm to the magical silhouette.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times