Murad Khetaini, a film producer, celebrates his birthday in Mumbai on Friday. The star-studded party was attended by a large number of celebs, including Kriti Sanon, Kartik Aaryan, Sohail Khan, Saiee Manjrekar, and others. Kriti arrived at the event wearing a bodycon mini-ensemble with a glittering sheen fit for the red carpet. The celebrity is renowned for having an uncanny ability to select sophisticated yet unabashedly daring outfits. Her wardrobe is dominated by figure-hugging clothing and sparkling outfits. And we approve of the new appearance.
Sukriti Grover, a famous stylist, posted images of Kriti Sanon from a recent photo shoot on Instagram on Sunday. It displays the actor’s appearance for the birthday celebration of movie producer Murad Khetaini. For the event, Kriti wore an amber yellow minidress by Alexandre Vauthier with a metallic sheen. The outfit is perfect for going to late-night birthday parties or going on cocktail dates with your closest pals. Therefore, remember to draw inspiration from Kriti.
We have some excellent news if you enjoyed Kriti Sanon’s tiny outfit. We learned the specifics of the ensemble’s price. It is available on the Farfetch website and will set you back a staggering 1,95,872 or USD 2,453 (about $2) to add it to your wardrobe.
The body-hugging shape of Kriti Sanon’s amber yellow short dress highlights her slim figure. It also has full-length sleeves, an asymmetrical neckline, shoulder pads, a draped style, a high-low hem from the sides, and shimmering metallic threads.
Kriti completed the look with gold-toned statement rings, patterned half-hoop earrings, and strappy silver block shoes. In the end, Kriti’s glam options included centre-parted, open hair with wavy ends, a blush pink lip colour, delicate eye shadow, mascara on the lashes, dazzling highlighter, flushed cheeks, and dewy complexion.
Kriti is currently planning a number of initiatives for the future. She is currently working on the films Shehzada, starring Kartik Aaryan, Bhediya, starring Varun Dhawan, and Adipurush, starring Prabhas.
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