Pushkar Dhami, the chief minister of Uttarakhand, ordered the deconstruction of a resort owned by the accused amid outrage over the suspected murder of a 19-year-old woman by a BJP leader’s son, according to ANI. The Vanatara Resort in Rishikesh, owned by Pulkit Arya, was being demolished on Dhami’s orders, according to Abhinav Kumar, special principal secretary to the chief minister.
Vinod Arya, a BJP leader from Haridwar and a former head of the Uttarakhand Mati Kala Board, is the father of Pulkit Arya.
In connection with the alleged murder of a woman who worked as a receptionist at his resort on Chilla Road in the Yamkeshwar region, Arya was one of three persons detained on Friday. According to authorities, the woman vanished early this week in Pauri Garhwal in Uttarakhand.
According to the police, Arya, Saurabh Bhaskar, 35, and Ankit Gupta, 19, were all arrested and have all confessed to the crime.
Bhaskar managed the resort, according to senior superintendent of police (SSP) Yashwant Singh of Pauri Garhwal, and Gupta was his assistant. According to the senior police officer, Arya went to police on September 20 with a missing person complaint in an effort to sabotage the investigation. However, after the woman’s friend approached him with a WhatsApp message implying the trio’s involvement, the victim’s father began to wonder about the involvement of Arya and the staff.
“Police discovered through their inquiry that the victim and the accused had travelled to Rishikesh on Sunday. The victim and Pulkit got into a dispute on the way back, and as a result, the accused threw her into a canal in Chilla, according to the SSP.
According to a representative for the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), the victim’s body was found in the Chilla canal, and her family members were contacted to help identify it, according to ANI on Saturday morning.
Apparently, Pulkit was pressuring the woman to become a prostitute, according to a police officer who wished to remain unnamed.
The Indian Penal Code’s Sections 302 (murder), 201 (making evidence of an offence disappear or providing false information to screen an offender), and 120-B (criminal conspiracy) have all been used to charge the accused.
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