Maharashtra police detained the Hindu prophet Kalicharan Maharaj from the Chhattisgarh police on Wednesday. Kalicharan Mahraj was arrested in a small town near Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh last month for making derogatory remarks against Mahatma Gandhi.
A court in Raipur approved the transit and remand of the prophet to the Maharashtra police. He will appear in court in Pune on Thursday.
Kalicharan Maharaj was arrested in a rental house near the Bagshwar Dam, about 25 kilometers from the town of Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh. Other defendants in the case include Mohanrao Shete, Dipak Nagpure and Captain Digendra Kumar. The seer had applied for bail to a court in Raipur, but it was rejected on Monday.
On December 31, he was sent for judicial detention by the Raipur Court until January 13.
The prophet allegedly used abusive words during the Dharma Sansad (Religious Assembly) and asked people to elect a staunch Hindu leader as the head of government to protect the religion.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times