Malaika Arora, an actor, is one of the few Bollywood celebrities who isn’t hesitant to try out risque looks. You can tell by looking at Malaika’s previous red carpet appearances at illustrious occasions. Malaika is aware of her task and amps up the drama with each outfit, whether it features thigh-high slits, plunging necklines, or see-through gowns. You should unquestionably follow Malaika’s example if you’re looking for a sensual cure for your wardrobe. Don’t trust us? Check out her most recent outfit, a transparent gown.
In a transparent embroidered gown, Malaika Arora amps up the drama.
Malaika Arora recently attended a function wearing a see-through embroidered gown. Several paparazzi pages posted the star’s images and videos from the event on social media. She presented a seductive silhouette in the deep-necked, dark blue-grey outfit. Although the actress chose the dress for a specific occasion, it would also be ideal for a cocktail party or an award show. A top knot and a red lip colour will amp up the drama.
The strapless gown worn by Malaika Arora has a plunging neckline that draws attention to her décolletage, shimmering sequin accents, a corseted boning structure with sheer panels on the midriff, a figure-hugging fitting, a sheer layered tulle skirt, a side thigh-high slit, and a floor-sweeping hem length.
Malaika paired the transparent dress with simple jewellery to highlight the sequined decorations. She selected jewellery and added killer high heels to her Christian Louboutin stilettos. The final glam options were a centre part, open waves, smoky eyes, mascara on the lashes, a sheer pink lip colour, glowing complexion, flushed cheeks, and precise contouring.
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