After the well-known NCB raid on a cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai on Saturday night, a selfie of Shahrukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan, and an unidentified bald man were captured at the Office of the Narcotics Bureau (NCB).
Go viral on the Internet. After the raid, Khan and seven others were detained and remanded to the NCB detention center until October 7. Earlier in the day, Nawab Malik, a spokesperson for the National Party Congress (NCP), stated at a press conference held on Wednesday, October 6th that someone had seen an individual named KP Gosavi Two civilians inside took Aryan Khan to the NCB office.
In an interview with reporters, he added that it was Gosavi who clicked on the selfie with Aryan. Since Gosavi is not an official, Malik questioned Gosavi’s presence outside the NCB office. According to Facebook’s personal information, Gosavi is a private investigator of the private detective agency “Indian Detective Detective”. According to reports a tweet that after he was also registered for defrauding a person of 300,000 rupees under the pretext of work, he was also registered for fraud.
News Source : The Quint