In her upcoming film Emergency, director Kangana Ranaut announced on Thursday that actor Milind Soman will play Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. Kangana also debuted Milind’s first look from the movie on Instagram. Milind was shown in the photo wearing a uniform and sporting the recognisable moustache of Sam Manekshaw.
“Presenting the dynamic @milindrunning as #SamManekshaw, the man vital in saving India’s frontiers during the Indo-Pak war and whose service was as distinguished as his honesty; a charmer, a war hero, and a visionary leader in #Emergency,” Kangana said in the caption of the image she shared. Anupam Kher, an actor, responded to the post by saying, “Brilliant.”
“Honoured to be a part of @kanganaranaut’s directorial #Emergency and play the character of Sam Manekshaw, the man who, with his humour and valour, led India to victory in the 1971 Indo-Pak war,” Milind wrote with the photo when it was released on Instagram.
Several characters from Emergency have already had their initial looks revealed by Kangana. In the movie, Shreyas Talpade will portray the late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and Kangana will portray the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Mahima Chaudhry will be portrayed as the cultural activist and Indira Gandhi’s confidante Pupul Jayakar, while Anupam will portray revolutionary leader J P Narayan.
Kangana is the writer and director of the film, which is billed as telling the tale of a turning point in Indian political history. The movie’s dialogues and screenplay were written by Ritesh Shah. Emergency is a Manikarnika Films production that was created by Renu Pitti and Kangana. The group has started filming the project. This is Kangana’s first independent film to direct.
When last seen, Kangana starred in the underwhelming film Dhaakad. She will be viewed in Tejas, in which she plays an Indian Air Force pilot. The movie, which was directed by Sarvesh Mewara, has yet to see its formal debut.
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