Actor Sushant Singh Rajput will be cremated on Monday. He committed suicide in his Mumbai home on Sunday. Sushant’s family lives in Patna. His father and some relatives has arrived Mumbai for the last rituals.
Police investigating the incident said that till now they have not received any suicide note. According to the police report, he was suffering from depression for the last six months. The house servant had called the police and informed them of his suicide.
The Mumbai Police have confirmed that the 34-year-old actor committed suicide by hanging himself in the house. His body was taken to Dr. RN Kapoor Hospital at 5.30 pm.
Sushant’s post-mortem report came late on Sunday night. In this, the doctors have confirmed that he has committed suicide. At the same time, the doctors who do the post-mortem say that their vital organs will be sent to J.J Hospital to detect drugs or poison in their body.
The Mumbai Police said that the doctors have submitted the post-mortem report to Bandra Police Station. Sushant’s post-mortem was done by a team of three doctors. In the report, the cause of death has been stated as suffocation.
According to reports, Madhu Pal, the domestic servant of Sushant Singh Rajput told the police, “Everything was fine till morning. At 6.30 am Sushant Singh Rajput woke up like every day. The house servant gave him pomegranate juice at 9 am And then he drank it too. After this, Sushant talked to his sister at 9 o’clock. After talking to his sister, he talked to his friend Mahesh Shetty.”
Police told the media that we received the news of Sushant’s death at 2 pm and the police reached his flat at 2.30 pm. The Mumbai Police started its investigation from 2.30 am. Police has not yet received any suicide note from the flat.
Public Rights Party chief Pappu Yadav has demanded a CBI inquiry on the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. He says that there is a deep conspiracy behind this incident.
He told the media, “I can’t even imagine it. I demand the government to start a CBI inquiry. I think there is a deep conspiracy behind this death. Sushant cannot commit suicide.
Pappu Yadav said, “Sushant was a very hard working and good person. He was not a person who committed suicide. He rose above the ground, enhanced the pride of Bihar. The state of Bihar is saddened by his death.
News Source: IndiaTv
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