For actress Neha Marda, who tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month as she had no symptoms, quarantine proved to be a bigger deal considering she had to run her own house and care for her sick mother The challenge – almost in-laws.
“During those 14 days, I didn’t feel anything that made me feel bad. I didn’t have a fever, cough or cold. Everything seemed to be fine, but the reports were positive. In fact, sometimes I was depressed during quarantine , because I feel fine,” said Madha, who was tested for the virus when she returned from Delhi with her husband and mother-in-law to Patna.
She added, “God is merciful and I don’t have to go through what I’ve heard other people go through”.
Talking about her biggest challenge during quarantine, the Doli Armaano Ki actor shared, “During my quarantine, the challenge was not taking care of myself, but being constantly online to take care of my mother-in-law and overseeing everything in the house.”
The actor, who also gave up her daily soap last year when her mother-in-law was seriously ill for a variety of health reasons, further added, “I don’t have time to take care of myself. I’m always online with my mother-in-law, nurses and cooks. I used to take care of My mother-in-law, I was quarantined, the nurses had to step in, I had to guide them. There was a time when I felt inconvenient but had to do something, so I took the virtual route. I was online in my room Operate the house.”
Now Mada is out of the woods and feels a new kind of freedom to leave the room and be with her family.
As her mother-in-law got better, she returned to focus on work and went through multiple scripts. “I’m holding a virtual meeting and hoping to lock something down by February,” she concluded.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times