On Friday, September 16, Nick Jonas turns 30. It appears that Priyanka Chopra has great plans for the singer’s birthday. On the night of his birthday, Nick uploaded a brand-new video to social media in which the two are seen boarding a private plane. Prior of the festivities, Priyanka posted a photo on her account. However, neither made their destination known, leading to some fan speculation.
On Thursday, Nick Jonas uploaded a video from an airport to his Instagram. The camera is focused on him as he moves toward an aircraft. He pans the camera away from himself as he approaches the aircraft to reveal that it is a private jet. Priyanka can be seen inside conversing on the phone as well.
The brief look also reveals that the plane is decorated for the occasion with a banner reading “Happy Birthday” hanging nearby. Then Nick turned the camera back to himself and grimaced. He wrote “Here we go… #30” as the post’s caption.
Priyanka had earlier shared a photo from Nick’s birthday celebrations on her Instagram Stories. The image featured a beverage in a glass with some ice and a personalised plaque that stated “NJ 30,” denoting Nick’s 30th birthday. Priyanka captioned the photo, “Ok it’s that time,” and included Nick in it.
On Nick’s photo, fans started speculating as to where they might be going. “I’m genuinely curious to learn what she has in store for him. It appears big,” a supporter remarked. “Looks like the Jonases are going to party hard,” said another. It does appear that significant gatherings of friends and relatives are planned. Natasha Poonawalla, a socialite and friend of Priyanka, wrote on the post, “Sad to have missed it. Nick, happy birthday.
After dating for seven months, Nick and Priyanka exchanged vows in a lavish wedding at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace in December 2018. The couple adopted their daughter Malti Marie through surrogacy in January 2022.
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