On Twitter, Shilpa Shetty posted a video from the sets of India’s Got Talent Season 9. In the BTS clip, actors Rakul Preet Singh, Jacqueline Fernandez and John Abraham are seen sitting next to Shilpa. The trio came to promote their film Attack on the reality show.
She wrote: “Ek slap mein poora map pesh kar diya, our super soldier planned the entire Attack”. (In one slap, he presented the whole map).
In this video, John slaps his left arm after realising that his Google Maps are not working. Looking at it, Jacqueline and Rakul can be heard saying “Oh my God.” John then points out at his arm and asks them, Where do you want to go?
The first part of the film will be released in cinemas on April 1, 2022.
John Abraham looks seamless in his action hero avatar, says Hindustan Times’ review of the film. Rakul delivers a convincing act and looks confident on-screen, says reviewer. Reviewer felt the transition could have been a little more real. Lakshya doesn’t even attempt to bring depth to Saba’s character. Jacqueline, too, in an extended cameo brings glam to the screen but an abrupt love story sees an equally abrupt end