According to Toei Animation’s fiscal report for 2023, One Piece has now overtaken Dragon Ball as the anime brand with the biggest earnings for the firm.
Dragon Ball was officially surpassed by One Piece to become the highest-grossing anime franchise in the company. The most successful anime series for Toei Animation over the last seven years has been Dragon Ball. But according to the business’s most recent financial report, One Piece has formally overthrown its well-liked rivals.
In a revenue-generating game, One Piece beats Dragon Ball.
Toei Animation has disclosed their entire earnings for April 2023 through March 2024. According to the data, One Piece grossed approximately 22.2 billion yen (about $142.120,026). Nevertheless, Dragon Ball’s seven-year winning streak ended when the franchise only brought in around US$121,634,200, or 19 billion yen. This data indicates that One Piece is expanding its already massive fan base, which makes the latter series much more of a danger to both present and future competition, even though Dragon Ball is clearly still drawing viewers.
Similar success has been had by One Piece with businesses like Bandai Nampo Entertainment, which oversees the gaming division of the series. One Piece broke the 100 billion yen mark for the franchise with media sales of about 112.1 billion yen (about US$721,893,733 at the time), according to the company’s fiscal report for 2024. In contrast, Mobile Suit Gundam, which sold more than 145.7 billion yen overall, overtook Dragon Ball, which managed to overcome One Piece with 140.6 billion yen. With a six-year winning run, Dragon Ball was Bandai Namco Entertainment’s most successful property prior to 2024.
What are the opinions of Dragon Ball fans?
Without a doubt, One Piece has won for Toei. Some fans, on the other hand, think that the statistics only serve to confirm Dragon Ball’s supremacy among anime viewers. This is partially because One Piece anime still releases new episodes every week, whereas Dragon Ball’s final major anime series, Dragon Ball Super, concluded in 2018.
As many DB fans noted in the comments, Dragon Ball only lost by 3 billion yen in spite of this. “[One Piece] going up against a series that’s completely inactive across the board and can only manage a 3 billion yen gap when it has everything going for it…once again, this is just more impressive for Dragon Ball,” a user said.
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