On the day of Holi, Delhi Police cut the challans of more than 3,000 people who violated the traffic rules in the city. Giving information about this, the officials said that 100 of these challans have been made in the case of drunk driving. A total of 3,282 challans were made for violating traffic rules, out of which 1,255 challans were made for driving two-wheelers without wearing helmets, an official said. Apart from this, 170 challans were made for riding three people on a two-wheeler while 121 people were challaned for driving dangerously.
Earlier, the Delhi Police appealed to the people to avoid public programs on the festival of Holi and celebrate this festival in their homes, following the Covid-19 epidemic guidelines. Police warned that strict action will be taken if caught while celebrating the public festival during the festival.
In view of the increasing cases of Covid-19, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) issued an order on Tuesday, saying that there will be no public gathering on upcoming festivals like Holi and Navratri in the national capital. Chief Secretary Vijay Dev had instructed the officers to strictly follow the order.
News Source: HindustanTimes