Mobile internet services suspended in Punjab’s Patiala district after clashes between two groups. Chief minister Bhagwant Mann orders transfer of three senior police officers.
Mukhwinder Singh Chinna appointed as new IG Patiala, Deepak Parik and Wazir Singh as new SSP and SP respectively.
Mobile internet services remain suspended in Punjab’s Patiala district due to law and order reasons. Stopping the spread of misinformation is necessary “to thwart the designs and activities of anti-national and anti-social groups/ elements”, an official order read, it said.
Chief minister Bhagwant Mann: “We are closely monitoring the situation and will not let anyone create disturbance in the State”. Incident is the first major incident Punjab has seen since chief minister took charge in March.
Clashes broke out near the city’s Kali Devi temple on Friday afternoon, officials said. Police were prompted to fire bullets in the air to control the crowd, they said.