Jehangir Ali Khan, Saba Ali Khan’s nephew and the child of Saif Ali Khan, an actor, was seen in the public for the first time. Saba shared the fresh images on Instagram while posing with Jehangir, commonly known as Jeh, when they were exploring London. Saba appeared in the pictures sporting a hat, white sneakers, and a long, patterned dress in white. Jehangir chose to wear yellow crocs, a blue shirt, and a white T-shirt.
In the first image, Jehangir was cradled in Saba Ali Khan’s arms while she was sitting on a log. The next picture showed Saba grinning and posing for the camera as Jehangir continued to stare at the ground. Jehangir was seen in the final image standing by himself in a London park and gazing into the lens.
Saba captioned the post after sharing the images, “From Me to You, with LOVE (red heart and nazar amulet emojis). Hat..trick! (Emoji of a joyful face with bright eyes).” Additionally, she included the hashtags “love you Jeh Jaan,” “London Days,” and “TBT.” Moreover, Saba wrote: “(TAG—you already know the drill!) (Camera emoji): Authentic images.”
A follower responded to the post by saying, “You are absolutely dedicated to your family.” Someone else remarked, “Sooooo cute baby love you Jeh.” Another admirer remarked, “Adorable phopho (aunty) with charming Jehangir.” A comment read, “Sooooo cute baby, love you Jeh.” Instagram user: “Aww….lots of love to Jeh baba.”
Saba frequently uploads photos of her family via Instagram. She and Jehangir posted a photo from the same scene in July. She wrote, “Jeh baba n Bua Jaan…. He is giving the nawab glare while staring into the camera! Lol. NOT offended, just curious as to why the photographer is taking so long. Jeh made the decision to tour the park when we were having a great time.
With his parents Saif and Kareena Kapoor, as well as his older brother Taimur Ali Khan, Jehangir visited the UK earlier this year. Previously, while they were sitting in a park in London, Saba and Jehangir exchanged photos. The finest times, she remarked, “are with my munchkins! connecting with my nephew… I also missed my niece and other brother!
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