Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jagannath will jointly unveil the India-aided social housing unit project in Mauritius on Thursday (20 January 2022).
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two dignitaries will also launch a civil service college and an 8MW solar photovoltaic power plant project in Mauritius.
The two dignitaries will also launch the Civil Service Academy and 8MW solar photovoltaic power plant projects in Mauritius, which are being carried out with development support from India,” the MEA statement read.
The two leaders will jointly launch the India-aided Mauritius social housing unit project on January 20, 2022, the MEA said in a statement.
In addition, an agreement will be exchanged for a US$190 million Line of Credit (LoC) from India to Mauritius for the Metro Express project and other infrastructure projects, as well as a memorandum of understanding for the implementation of small-scale development projects.
Complete News Source : Zee news