The Portronics Kronos Y1 smart watch was launched in India on Monday. This smart watch has a Bluetooth call function and a 1.75-inch high-definition display. As a smart watch, Portronics Kronos Y1 also has multiple health monitoring functions such as blood pressure monitoring, heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen saturation, and multiple sports modes. The Portronics Kronos Y1 smart watch has an IP67 dust and water resistance rating.
This smart watch also has more than 200 dials and battery life of up to 7 days. The Portronics Kronos Y1 smart watch has been launched in India with an entry price of Rs. 3,399. At the time of writing, it is priced at Rs. 3,449 on the official website. In addition, Amazon also listed Portronics smart watches priced at Rs. 3,299, and Flipkart lists it as Rs. 3,399. It offers black and gray color options, and provides a 12-month warranty. Portronics’ new smartwatch is equipped with a 1.75-inch high-definition (240×280 pixel) dynamic display and curved glass.
The Portronics Kronos Y1 smart watch has Bluetooth v5 for connection and has a Bluetooth call function. Using the built-in microphone and speaker, users can make and receive calls on the smart watch. In addition, users can also use the smart watch as a remote shutter and music controller. It has 64MB of onboard storage space. As mentioned earlier, Portronics Kronos Y1 has many health monitoring functions. It can perform blood pressure monitoring, heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) monitoring and sleep tracking. Smart watches also have a variety of sports modes, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, basketball and badminton.
The IP67-rated Portronics Kronos Y1 has a battery life of up to 7 days and a standby time of up to 15 days. Users will be able to choose from more than 200 customizable watch faces through the Kronos app on Android and iOS. This smart watch measures 165x70x28 mm and weighs 55 grams.
Complete News Source : Gadgets 360