Bharti Singh shared a light-hearted moment with the paparazzi as she expressed her desire to continue working throughout her pregnancy. She imitated Allu Arjun in Pushpa: The Rise and said, “Main abhi Pushparaaj, bachcha ho jaaye, main rukega nahi (I am Pushparaaj. Even if I have children, I will not stop).”
“The main rukega nahi, saala. Agle saal ek aur dega (I won’t stop, will have another baby next year),” she quipped. The couple are expecting their first child, due in April.
Currently, Bharti and Haarsh are seen as co-hosts of the talent reality show Hunarbaaz, which will be judged by Mithun Chakraborty, Parineeti Chopra and Karan Johar. It premieres Saturday at 9 p.m. on Colors, where people across the country will showcase their diverse talents, from magic to dance to rap.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times