Diana, the actor Priyanka Chopra’s pet dog, received birthday wishes from the actress. Diana, Panda, and Gino are three of the pets owned by Priyanka and her husband, singer Nick Jonas. On Thursday, Priyanka shared photos of herself and Diana on her Instagram Stories as well as a thoughtful birthday message.
One of the images showed Priyanka grinning as she observed Diana dozing on her lap. The actress was interacting with her pet as the pair were in a car. Priyanka was seen in the image sporting a white dress and a bun. Beyonce’s song Alien Superstar was added by Priyanka as the background music.
In a different image, Priyanka sat next to her mother and watched as Diana played nearby. The mother-daughter pair posed for pictures while swinging in rattan chairs next to a garden. Happy birthday, @diariesofdiana (heart emoji), she wrote. We are so fortunate to have you, Priyanka added in her letter.
On Instagram, Priyanka and Nick frequently post photos of their animals. A photo of Malti Marie Chopra Jonas lying in a baby activity gym with Diana, Panda, and Gino seated next to her was recently shared by Priyanka Chopra. Priyanka captioned the picture, “I tagged all my dogs’ Instagram accounts,” “all my infants. Wonderful Sunday.” Diana Chopra Jonas has 158K followers on her personal Instagram account.
Diana was the first puppy that I fully cared for, as Priyanka had previously stated in a 2021 interview with the Financial Times. She picked me, and she works for North Shore Rescue in New York. It happened four years ago, at a really depressing point in my life when I had just relocated to the United States, was still in mourning for my father, and had no friends. I was returning home alone while working for ABC on Quantico.
Diana had been saved from Atlanta’s streets, she had further stated. I believe she is a chihuahua-terrier mix, but we are unsure for sure. She and I were the only two people in New York City, and I had no idea what to do with a puppy. Diana was the one I curled up with and the one who yowled everytime the door opened. Diana was someone I could take care of, and I could take care of her in return.
Fans may catch Priyanka in the Russo Brothers productions It’s All Coming Back To Me and Citadel. Directed by Patrick Morgan, the next sci-fi drama series will debut on Prime Video. In addition to Priyanka, Richard Madden will appear in the program. She has Farhan as well.
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