Radhika Madan made her Bollywood debut with Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Pataakha’. She then went on to play the female lead in ‘Angrezi Medium’ with Irrfan Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan. But Radhika started her career in 2014 with the TV show, ‘Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi’. Recently, the actor opened up to Humans of Bombay about the struggles she faced after quitting TV.
Radhika shared that while growing up she developed an interest in broadway but auditioned for ‘Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi’ at the age of 17. She successfully bagged the role of the female lead, Ishaani Parikh. Radhika further shares that due to lack of time and sleep she put on a little weight. But after hearing rumours of being replaced, she pushed herself ‘to explore my limits’. “At 17, I auditioned for a TV show & within 3 days I was in Bombay, shooting. But it was tough.
I barely got time to sleep, which led to me gaining a few kilos. Then, I heard rumours about me getting replaced & that pushed me to explore my limits. So I began working out & lost myself to my character. And I realised, this is my high…this is what I want to do,” Radhika said.
News Source : E Times