On Tuesday, the actor Rashmika Mandanna posted a family photo to her Instagram account. She gave her admirers a glimpse of her “true family.” Suman Mandanna, Madan Mandanna, and Shiman Mandanna, her younger sister, were all visible in the photo. The actor is actively promoting the next film Goodbye, which will hit theatres on October 7.
Rashmika was shown in the photo sporting a black top and a skirt with white and black polka dots. Her mother was dressed in denim. Her sister was dressed in a yellow sweater, and her father was sporting a pink T-shirt with blue jeans. While posing for the picture, her mother put her hands on Rashmika’s shoulder as her sister sat on her father’s lap.
“This is my real family, and in 3 days you get to meet my reel family – The #Goodbye Family,” she wrote as the caption for the photo. Do you share my enthusiasm?
“I nominate @shravyavarma @aishwaryakolla and @varshabollamma to share your family photos and a reminder to block your dates if you haven’t already,” Rashmika continued. PS: Take your family to see the movie. “Too cute,” wrote actor Tamannah Bhatia in response to Rashmika’s post. Beautiful picture, one of her admirers remarked.” One more person said, “I am a great fan of yours.” “So nice family, isliye aap itni khubsurat ho,” one person said ” (such a cute family, that is why you are beautiful).
In the Vikas Bahl-directed film Goodbye, Amitabh Bachchan also appears. The movie is Rashmika’s debut in Hindi. Aside from Sunil Grover, Neena Gupta, and Pavail Gulati also appear in this family comedy. Balaji Motion Pictures, owned by Ekta Kapoor, produced it. Mission Majnu with Sidharth Malhotra, Animal with Ranbir Kapoor, and Varisu with Vijay are more upcoming films for Rashmika.
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