The Realme C25Y, the company’s latest entry-level smartphone, will be available for pre-booking from today. The brand-new C25Y is the company’s first C-series phone — and probably the first phone at its price — to come with a 50-megapixel camera on the back. Realme used to put 48-megapixel cameras before, but a 50-megapixel camera is what the company is going ahead with as a refresh. The Realme C25Y also has a big display and a big battery, so that you can enjoy watching shows without worrying about the battery.
It is interesting to see Realme packing a 50-megapixel camera on the C25Y, which is an entry-level phone. Realme’s C-series has always been about more battery capacity at less price, but this time, the company is focusing on the camera more than the battery. And the price of the Realme C25Y is not exactly entry-level, but since smartphones have gotten expensive over the last few months due to the shortage of components, companies are forced to push their portfolios across price categories to the next rung in the ladder.
News Source: Gadgets360