Ten scrolls, each 750 meters long, depicting the gallantry of the heroes of the Indian Freedom Movement, will be placed at Rajpath for the Republic Day parade. Over 500 artists from Odisha and Chandigarh have painted scrolls reflecting traditional art forms such as Madhubani, Pattachitra, Talapatra Chitra, Manjusha and Patua.
Adwaita Garanayak, director of the National Gallery of Modern Art, said they organized workshops to integrate the country’s various forms of visual and performing arts to represent the essence of India’s unity and diversity. “I believe that the huge scrolls on display at Rajpath will be of interest to everyone, delving into the history of the unsung heroes of India’s struggle for freedom, and will draw attention to the unifying visual aspects of modern, indigenous and contemporary art in India,” added Ranayake said in a statement.
An official from the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) said the scrolls will be placed behind the public seating area.
Another official said CPWD is also planning to install 10 large LED screens along the Rajpath and work is being done on site.
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