Actor Rhea Chakraborty joined several other celebrities at the wedding of Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar in Khandala. The star was the perfect bridesmaid for her friend’s special day, wearing a gorgeous outfit that should be on every future bridesmaid’s bookmark list. One of our favorite looks Rhea wore to the wedding was the star wearing a bright yellow lehenga suit. If you’re considering updating your wedding guests’ wardrobes, it’s best to use their style guide as a guide.
On Tuesday, Rhea posted multiple photos of her in a bright canary yellow lehenga suit on Instagram with the poignant caption. “Finally, somehow, she finally learned to live in the present – RC. #rhenew,” the 29-year-old actor wrote. The ensemble comes from the shelves of L’effet by luxury and contemporary Indian designer brand Sanjev Marwaaha.
Rhea’s lehenga suit consists of a short sleeveless choli in a pale yellow hue. It features Dori and Resham embroidery in intricate Mughal motifs, sequins, beaded and cut beads, a wide scoop neckline, a bare back with a Dori tie and a short skirt hem.
Rhea wears a shirt with canary yellow pleated lehenga and flowing ghra. The highlight of Rhea’s suit is the cape jacket, and she prefers the traditional dupatta. This Zari jacket also features matching embroidery and a floor-length hem length.
Finally, center-parted curls, polki and gold bangles, matching earrings, blush-pink lipstick, matching eyeshadow, soft mascara, and a hydrating base complete Rhea’s wedding guest look.
Meanwhile, actor and filmmaker Farhan Akhtar and his girlfriend Shibani Dandekar held an intimate wedding at the home of Javed Akhtar and his wife Shabana Azmi in Sukoon, Khandala. Apart from Rhea, many celebrities such as Hrithik Roshan, Farhan’s sister Zoya Akhtar, Shibani’s sister Anusha Dandekar and many others attended the celebration.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times