Actor Sushmita Sen turned 46 on Friday. Sushmita’s boyfriend and model Rohman Shawl expressed his love for his “Babush” in a loving birthday photo. Rohman shared a retro photo with Sushmita and wrote: “Happy birthday Babush.” Sushmita and Rohman, who are 15 years apart, met on Instagram. She found Rohman’s news in her DM and established contact with Rohman.
Sushmita and Rohman started dating a few years ago and officially confirmed their relationship on Instagram sometime in 2018. They also participated in the Diwali party for the first time that year. Finally, in November 2018, Sushmita Sen confirmed in a post that she was dating Rohman, and wrote: “Not yet married, Rohman definitely lives a life.” In an interview with Zoom TV, Sushmita disclosed that she and Rohman Rohman’s age difference. She said: “I didn’t know that he would become a person who is 15 years younger than him and evolve very fast. The shallow layer does not work for me, it must have depth.
It is already very beautiful. Me, him, me Children, we formed a team.” Sharing her thoughts on companionship, the former Miss Universe added: “I am not one of those romantics who believe that I need a man to complete me. I need this and that. I have never felt this way in my life. . Thank God, because I believe that only a two-piece suit can be romantic.
Half and half are not romantic.” Sushmita is a single mother of daughters Renee and Alisah. Although Renee recently starred in a short film Suttabaazi on Disney+ Hotstar, Alisah is still in school. Sushmita often publishes Instagram posts, in which Rohman and Renee can often be seen taking music lessons together and helping Alisah learn.
At the same time, Sushmita’s web series Aarya was nominated for the International Emmy Award for Best Drama. The actor returned with Aarya, and the success of the show also led to the second season. Sushmita has finished filming season 2 of Aarya.
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