Actor Siddharth has been summoned by Chennai police for defaming badminton ace Saina Nehwal. “Actor Siddharth was subpoenaed (for his controversial tweet about badminton player Senna Nehwal). We actually received 2 complaints; the other was defamation within the legal framework, not a criminal case. We Just his statement is needed,” said Chennai police chief Shankar Givare.
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are considering how to obtain the statement. We have called the actor Siddhartha,” added the Chennai police chief.
For the uninitiated, the Rang De Basanti actor has been slammed by netizens for his comments on Nehwal. On January 5, Nehwal tweeted that Prime Minister Modi was involved in a “security breach” in Punjab. “No country can claim to be safe if the security of its Prime Minister is compromised. I condemn in the strongest terms anarchists’ cowardly attack on Prime Minister Modi. #BharatStandsWithModi #PMModi,” she wrote.
Complete News Source : News18