Saisha Shinde has started developing feelings for co-contestant and opposite team member, Munawar Faruqui. During the episode, Poonam Pandey was given a secret dare to complete, which she accomplished but while handing over the belongings to the guard, a few contestants had seen her. This led to a debate that she managed to steal the precious items of the opposite team members successfully and nowhere in the letter it was mentioned about maintaining secrecy. Sara Khan intervenes and Saisha hands over the letter to her.
Saisha Shinde confided in Sara Khan that she has a soft spot for Munawar Faruqui. When Sara tried to clarify things, they sorted their issue as Saisha hugged her and cried. Saisha: I am just going to be stone-cold. I don’t want these accusations of going softer towards the orange team.
Complete News Source : ETimes