Shehnaaz Gill is expected to make her Bollywood debut in Salman Khan’s flick Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali, according to reports. Salman Khan, who is also a co-producer of the film, is said to have approached Sana personally to do the film, and she has granted her approval. According to reports, Shehnaaz Gill will act with Aayush Sharma in Salman Khan’s upcoming film. While Shehnaaz Gill’s fans are ecstatic about her upcoming Bollywood debut, we now know how much the actress will be paid. According to a reliable source close to Bollywoodlife, “Salman Khan is well-known for his fondness for Shehnaaz. With her debut appearance on Bigg Boss 13, she managed to capture his heart. Sana’s innocence is the single thing Salman admires about her, and she has maintained it while going through the most difficult period of her life. When Salman Khan approached Sana about working on his film, he even let her choose her own price. Yes! Although the producers have not said how much Shehnaaz Gill would be paid, he has given her the option to choose the amount she feels is appropriate “.
The insider goes on to say, “Salman Khan has once again demonstrated that if he likes someone, he will go out of his way for them. Sana has even been requested to choose dates based on her schedule, since she has been quite busy with a number of tasks. Currently, the actress is filming a Punjabi film.” Fans, on the other hand, are eagerly anticipating Shehnaaz’s return to the screen. The Bigg Boss 13 star was sighted in the city for talks amid speculations of her casting in Salman Khan’s flick. In her basic yet elegant avatar, she looked stunning. Shehnaaz Gill is currently the most famous person in the world. She has millions of hearts under her control, and she does so in style!