The movie is directed by Jayam Mohan Raja and began shooting last year in August. A picture of the two stars was shared online as Chiranjeevi welcomed Salman on board his upcoming project. The image has gone viral among the fans. Last year in October, whispers regarding Salman’s cameo role in the movie began doing the rounds.
Godfather is the official Telugu remake of Malayalam hit Lucifer (2019), starring Mohanlal. Touted to be an intense political drama, Thaman S is the music composer for Godfather. Chiranjeevi’s own Konidela Productions and Super Good Films are producing the movie, which is in its final leg of making.
Chiranjeevi’s Godfather opposite Ram Charan will be released in April and his other movies Bobby and Bholaa Shankar are progressing at rapid pace too. Hollywood’s Britney Spears may also be on board to croon a racy song in Godfather. This development awaits confirmation.
Complete News: Indiatv