The father of Sameer Wankhede, Regional Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), has filed with the National Congress Party (NCB) Nawab Malik under certain parts of the SC/ST bill Filed a police complaint. Dhyandev Wankhede accused Malik of making “false and derogatory” statements about him and his family. The complaint was submitted to the Assistant Commissioner of Police of the custodial department on Monday.
Dhyandev requested FIR registration with the minister. The leader of the National Congress Party has made several charges against Samir Wanhead, including claiming that he is a Muslim but forging documents (such as caste certificates) to obtain government jobs. “We belong to the ‘Mahar’ community and belong to the predetermined caste category,” he mentioned in the complaint. He requested that the Minister be registered with FIR in accordance with the “Schedule Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act” and the Indian Penal Code (IPC) including 503 (criminal intimidation).
He further claimed that out of personal resentment, Malik “stalked” his daughter Yasmin on the Internet, and illegally used personal photos in her social media accounts and disseminated them in print and electronic media. Now, the minister is giving senior Wankhede allegations that “direct threats” and use of “illegal means” to obstruct the investigation of the case involving his son-in-law (Sameer Khan) may be found guilty. Malik’s son-in-law was arrested in January this year on suspicion of a drug case and was released on bail in September.
An official of the Deputy Chief of Police confirmed that they had received a complaint from Dhyandev Wankhede and stated that further investigations are ongoing. This is the day after the Mumbai High Court instructed Malik to respond to Dhyandev Wankhede’s defamation lawsuit.
The father of the NCB official sought compensation of Rs 1.25 crore from Malik “within a day”. The bench instructed the leaders of the National Congress Party to submit an affidavit in response to the lawsuit by Tuesday and postpone the hearing of the lawsuit to November 10.
Last month, the NCB team led by Sameer Wankhede conducted a raid on a cruise ship and claimed to have seized drugs on board. Later, actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan, and 19 others were arrested in a cruise drug case. Malik called the cruise drug case “fake” and filed a series of charges against Samir Wankhead. NCB officials denied the allegations against him.
News Source : Hindustan Times