At the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai on Sunday, during the IPL 2024 final match, Shah Rukh Khan was spotted enjoying the victory with his team, friends, and family. The game saw Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) overcome Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH). Celebrities from Bollywood, such as Preity Zinta and Ranveer Singh, praised the actor on social media for winning the IPL 2024 winners’ trophy. The actor is a co-owner of the KKR.
Celebrities praise KKR. Actor Ranveer Singh posted on Instagram Stories, tagging Shah Rukh and KKR, saying, “Congrats on a glorious campaign.” a real team effort. “Congratulations to the champions,” actor Kartik Aaryan commented on Instagram Stories after sharing the official KKR Instagram post that featured Shah Rukh.
Filmmaker Karan Johar posted a picture of Shah Rukh in the match with his trademark extended arms and captioned it on Instagram Stories, saying, “Bhai ka win! Trophy mil gaya @iplt20. Ho badhai. I adore you, bro (Happy Brother’s Day! He owns the IPL trophy. Love and congratulations to my brother!
“Congratulations on such a fantastic victory.” Preity Zinta, an actor and co-owner of the Punjab Kings IPL team, tweeted, “Congratulations for such an incredible win and your third IPL title @KKRiders @iamsrk @iam_juhi,” on X, formerly Twitter. Best of luck, SunRisers. Throughout the entire event, you guys were outstanding.
Additionally, singer Sophie Choudry tweeted, “I’m very happy for KKR! What a group! They have been outstanding all season long and completely outperformed their rivals today! I’m really thrilled for the best @iamsrk and for you, @ShreyasIyer15.
Players respond to KKR’s victory Cricket players, in addition to celebrities, showered Shah Rukh and the squad with love. KKR captain Shreyas Iyer tweeted, “Special mention to the heartbeat of this team @iamsrk! “, expressing gratitude to Shah Rukh. I appreciate all of your inspiring and motivating remarks.
“Congrats to the best team and deserving champion of #IPL2O24 @KKRiders,” tweeted Suresh Raina. Bravo to the @SunRisers for another outstanding season. Hey @iamsrk, isn’t the party in Chennai already over?
“Congratulations to @KKRiderson for being crowned @IPL 2024 champions,” tweeted Yuvraj Singh. Throughout the season, they have been the most impressive team. Thoughtful of @SunRisers for an incredible run, the superior team won today. A special thank you to @GautamGambhir for his courageous guidance, Congrats to @iamsrk, the King of Hearts, for his success this year in both cricket and movies!
The Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR), co-owned by Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, clinched their third Indian Premier League (IPL) title in 2024, defeating Sunrisers Hyderabad in a thrilling final at Chennai’s MA Chidambaram Stadium.
Following this remarkable victory, several Bollywood celebrities extended their congratulations to Shah Rukh Khan and the KKR team:
Preity Zinta, co-owner of Kings XI Punjab, shared her excitement on social media, stating, “Congratulations @iamsrk & KKR for an incredible win. Well played! #IPL2024Champions.” Hindustan Times
Ranveer Singh, known for his energetic persona, posted a story featuring the KKR logo, captioned, “Champions! Congratulations @iamsrk and the entire KKR team! #IPL2024.” ThePrint
Karan Johar, filmmaker and close friend of Shah Rukh Khan, tweeted, “What a match! Congratulations.
The celebratory messages from Bollywood celebrities highlight the close-knit relationship between the Indian film industry and cricket, two of the nation’s most cherished forms of entertainment. As fans revel in KKR’s triumph, the anticipation for the next season continues to build, with teams and supporters eager to witness more exhilarating cricketing action.