Shehnaaz Gill attended HT India’s Most Stylish 2022 on Friday and was being her silly self. The Punjabi actor-singer interacted with fans and photographers in a nice way at the event, and her followers have been gushing about it on social media. Shehnaaz spoke as well after receiving an honour at the function.
Shehnaaz asked the photographers on the red carpet, “Pehle ye batao main sundar lag rahi hoon na (first tell me I am looking nice right)?” when she came for HT India’s Most Stylish 2022. Shehnaaz gave the photographers a kiss as they applauded and referred to her as “Punjab di Katrina” (Punjab’s Katrina Kaif).
A paparazzo account posted a video of the encounter on Instagram, and Shehnaaz’s followers responded to her gesture by leaving heart emojis in the comments area.
Shehnaaz was seen comforting two upset admirers in another video that was taken as she left the event. Before leaving, one of the girls offered Shehnaaz a cheek kiss, and the actor also gave her air kisses and a pat on the cheek. For her act, Shehnaaz was dubbed the “Queen of hearts” and a “humble spirit” by her supporters.
Shehnaaz also delivered an absurd acceptance speech after being named the Most Stylish Emerging Face. She stated: “No speech was prepared by me. But a big thanks for this honour. Much though I already have a very attractive appearance, this honour and this title make me feel even better. On my way home, I’ll watch the award and discuss it. My relatives will see it from me.”
Shehnaaz will reportedly soon make her Bollywood debut in the Salman Khan-starring film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali, in which she will co-star with Jassie Gill. She was questioned by the media about her movie at the event on Friday, but she declined to respond to their inquiries.
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