Shehnaaz Gill recently visited her village in Punjab where she spent time with her family. The actor was a finalist on Bigg Boss 13 as well. She shared a vlog on her YouTube channel. It shows how she drove a bicyle with other village kids.
She poses for selfies with kids, takes over an ice-cream cart and rides it for a short distance. The video opens with her standing nearby a crop field in red shirt and blue denims.
She first takes a ride in a bullock-cart before dancing with her family and friends. She then joins a group of kids, mostly girls, to ride a bicyle with them. She reaches her house, where she dances with other women as a man is called in to beat the dhol for them.
One fan commented, “Seeing her happy and enjoying her life makes my heart so full”. Another said, “She is really a cutie baby and dadiyan who are also being a kid with her”.