Shehnaaz Gill, is always willing to pose for photos with her fans at airports, but the actor was startled by a recent appearance when a fan wanted to hold her for a picture. While agreeing to the fan’s request for a photo, she also made fun of him for approaching her too closely. Fans commended Shehnaaz for maintaining her composure and proclaimed her to be her own “protector.”
For the Filmfare Awards South 2022, Shehnaaz Gill was in Bengaluru on Sunday. Fans accosted her for photos as she arrived back in Mumbai on Monday. A video of the star surrounded by her fans was uploaded to Instagram by a paparazzi account.
While Shehnaaz posed for photos with him and other admirers, the paparazzi asked the fan to keep her distance. Shehnaaz turned to the crowd of onlookers as she began to leave and questioned, “What made you think you were my friend?”
On the video, a supporter praised Shehnaaz and wrote, “She is her self-protector.” “Fan should maintain respectful distance… love respect Shehnaaz Gill,” another remarked. She is too humorous, yet like a boss lady, said a third.
On Sunday night, Shehnaaz attended the Filmfare Awards South wearing a silk saree, and she received a lot of compliments from her followers. At the occasion, she was photographed with R Madhavan and a few fans.
Shehnaaz will soon make her Bollywood debut in the Salman Khan-starring film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, which also features Raghav Juyal, Jassi Gill, and Pooja Hegde. She previously stated that she had 4-5 movies in development.
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