The release of “Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo” starring Allu Arjun in Hindi dub was recently cancelled. Kartik Aaryan, who starred in the Hindi remake of the film, has reportedly asked Goldmines producer Manish Shah to stop the release. A recent report quoted Manish Shah as saying that Kartik threatened to quit “Shehzada” if the dubbed film was released in theaters. Producer Manish Shah said that if Kartik pulls out of Shehzada, it will cost the producer Rs 400 crore, which is very unprofessional for the actor. However, producer Bhushan Kumar defended the actor and said Kartik was not involved in the decision-making. The producer said: “We producers believe that Shehzada should be released in theaters first and not Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo in Hindi, so we asked Gold Mine not to release Hindi and the release of the film is always The producer’s decision, not the actor. I’ve known Kartik since his career. We’ve made several movies together. He’s one of the most professional actors I’ve ever worked with.” added Shehzada director Rohit Dhawan Said, “Kartik’s intentions and excitement for Shehzada are unquestionable. It has been a pleasure working with him. As directors and actors, we share a strong bond and nothing can stand in the way of our love for this film.” Producer Aman Gill added: “After learning that the Hindi version of ‘Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo’ was released, our own producers asked Manishji not to release it. Kartik as an actor went all out for Shehzada, he Just talking about how he has contributed to making this the biggest movie of all involved, he’s one of the most dedicated actors in the business.”
Complete News Source : ETIMES