Palak Tiwari, the daughter of actor Shweta Tiwari, is slated to make her Bollywood debut shortly. In the thriller Rosie: The Saffron Chapter, the 22-year-old will star. Palak discussed her job choices and what she has learned from her mother in a recent interview ahead of the film’s premiere. And the topic of discussion was Shweta’s handling of the problems in her two marriages. When Shweta Tiwari was only a teenager, she married Raja Chaudhary. A year later, Palak was born. Shweta and Raja separated in 2007 after she claimed he had abused her at home. In 2013, the actress married Abhinav Kohli, but the couple divorced in 2019. Shweta said that she and Palak had been subjected to domestic violence and harassment.
In a recent interview with the Bombay Times, Palak discussed marriage and how her mother dealt with it. “I’ve also realised that marriage should not be rushed,” she said. It’s best to leave him right now if you suspect something is wrong with him. Women are the ones who battle the most with this, as I’ve witnessed with not only my mother, but women all around the world. We keep making excuses for our spouses because we want to see the good in them. It’s excellent quality, but it’ll bite you in the end. That isn’t love, or at least not the type of love I desire – not now, and certainly not in the future.” Palak further mentioned how rumours and gossip seem to follow Shweta and her life at all times. “We don’t spend a lot of effort convincing folks about our side of the story,” she stated in response. My mother’s first focus has always been to ensure the safety of her family. That’s what I’ve been concentrating on as well.”
Palak has recently featured in the music video for Aditya Narayan and Deeksha Toor’s song Mangta Hai Kya, a remake of the 1990s popular number of the same name from Rangeela, featuring Aditya Seal. Last year, Palak appeared in the successful music video for Harrdy Sandhu’s song Bijlee Bijlee. In addition, the actor has appeared in a short film. Rosie: The Saffron Chapter, her film, is set to hit theatres later this year. It was supposed to be out in January, but it’s been pushed back.