
Smart work or Hard work, Which one leads to success?



“Do not just work hard, work smart” is a quote we all have read but, what is smart work and how is it different from hard work? 

Achieving your goals requires a lot of dedication and time and many times even after giving your best, you do not succeed, BUT WHY? Success comes not only with dedication and work but we need to learn to work smart. That will not only save our time but will also improve our efficiency and we’d be able to do the same work in less time and in a better way. 

smark work is using consciously planning out things and using analytical reasoning skills to achieve your target in less time whereas hard work is like bull work, mindlessly working hard for your goals without watching out the time and energy spent. Smart work and hard work go hand in hand and for best results, one needs to have a proper understanding of when to work hard and when to work smart.


Hard Work is like an old-fashioned way of handling a task without looking for other alternatives and it usually focuses on quality over quantity whereas smart work follows a different mantra. Smart work involves exploring different alternatives of finishing a task. It involves planning, thinking, organizing, teamwork, using shortcuts to make sure the work is done in less time. Smart work focuses equally on both quality and quantity.

One can achieve all their goals if they work hard smartly. Hard work is the key to success but planning out the best roadmap to achieve your goal will help you in every step. Instead of working tirelessly in your office on a project, you can easily hire interns to help them gain experience and this will also give you a helping hand. In addition to that, it will help you gain leadership skills.  Hard work and smart work go hand in hand. For best results, you have to give both qualities. Smart improves your thinking abilities whereas hard work makes you stronger. When both these are blended, you achieve your desired result.




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