It was on July 19 when Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty’s husband and businessman Raj Kundra was arrested in a case involving pornographic films via mobile applications. Singer Sona Mohapatra presented her views on Raj Kundra’s arrest case whose bail plea has been rejected. Sona is one celebrity who has never feared raising her voice about all subjects. During an exclusive interview with news agency , the diva reacted to the news of Raj Kundra’s arrest.
She said that women cannot be exploited and strict measures need to be taken. “We cannot let children and women be exploited in this racket. The strictest of measures have to be there. We have to let go of the hypocrisy. When it comes down to shaming women, it is toxicity. Human trafficking when it comes to women and children is a billion-dollar industry. It is the worst underbelly of our society, it exists”.
Sona also feels that as porn is under national news, it does not mean that one gets an excuse to shame women. One cannot use it as an excuse to demean other women in the entertainment industry. Sona feels that with her music people got the message what she had to say about it directly.
Sona also concluded by saying, “Nobody has business shaming us for our body. I am not a starving gym going. I feel desirable. When I am singing Bedardi Raja with a saree, flower in my head, base guitar I am desirable to myself. In the past it was given that if you are in the entertainment industry you have to have a certain waist. There are many incredible women who are owing their individuality.”
News Source : DNA India