
Sorghum can help fight COVID-19, lower blood pressure, cholesterol



We eat certain grains at certain times of the year for a reason. If consumed in the right way, Indian food has therapeutic benefits. Winter is here, and at this time of the year, due to weather conditions and cholesterol, our exercise volume is relatively small, so blood pressure will naturally rise.

According to the latest research, sorghum (jowar) is a miracle crop that prevents many diseases. The Kanpur National Sugar Research Institute, in cooperation with ICAR-IIMR in Hyderabad, has been conducting research to evaluate the potential of the crop in the past two years. Sorghum varieties (CSH 22S, SSV 84, SSV 74, Phlue Vasundhara and ICSSH 28).

Research conducted by the institute shows that although the juice from crop stems/stems can be used to produce ethanol, raw sugar, and nutritive low-calorie syrups, grains obtained as sorghum (jowar) can be widely used as a healthier flour instead of’maida’ ‘Or’wheat flour’”” Research conducted in this area shows that a healthy alternative to all-purpose flour is jowar or sorghum.


Rich in protein, iron and copper, this gluten-free grain has been known to play a vital role in cell function and repair. Abundant potassium and phosphorus help reduce cholesterol and control high blood pressure. The large amount of fiber in sorghum helps to improve the digestive system.

News Source : ETimes



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