As their movie Chhichhore celebrated its third anniversary, actor Tahir Raj Bhasin paid tribute to the late Sushant Singh Rajput. Tahir posted a vintage picture of himself and Sushant on Instagram and claimed that without him, the “story would never have been told.” Along with stills from the movie, behind-the-scenes shots from the sets, a look at the script and how he prepared for it, and photos with the cast, Tahir Raj Bhasin also shared behind-the-scenes images.
When a selfie was taken on the movie set, Tahir and Sushant gave the thumbs-up while the latter also winked. They were seen walking around in similar attire. Another image showed Tahir scowling while his film co-stars Shraddha Kapoor, Varun Sharma, and Naveen Polishetty grinned and gave different poses. Another photo also featured Tahir with Prateik Babbar and Varun posing for a photo.
Tahir can be seen reading the screenplay while seated at a table in one of the images. He also took a selfie with Nitesh Tiwari, the director of Chhichhore. Tahir posted the images with the comment, “Celebrating #3yearsofChhichhore today. Derek’s experience of living on a college campus was a wild ride that had its share of crazy fun. Here are some behind-the-scenes clips from the sets of @niteshtiwari22’s Chhichhore, set in the 1990s.
Big shout out to the entire cast and crew who gave it their best and made the movie possible, he continued. Without #RememberingSSR (the waxing gibbous moon emoji), this tale would never have been shared. @wardakhannadiadwala @nadiadwalagrandson #FoxStarStudios Nadiadwala Grandson responded to the post with, “Just one word for these photographs – Nostalgia!
In 2020, Sushant’s body was discovered in his Mumbai flat. He was 34. He played the lead role in Nitesh Tiwari’s 2019 film Chhichhore. Under the banner of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, Sajid Nadiadwala produced the movie. Shraddha Kapoor, Varun Sharma, Naveen, Tushar Pandey, Saharsh Kumar Shukla, Shishir Sharma, and Mohammad Samad also featured in the movie.
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