In Udaipur in March, Taapsee Pannu tied the knot with her longtime partner and badminton player Mathias Boe. The star is now talking about her relationship with Mathias in a new interview with Cosmopolitan India, and she says that it wasn’t “love at first sight.” Rather, she took her time in the relationship to see if it was something they could work out.
What Taapsee mentioned
“It was not like a love-at-first-sight situation, for me at least—I took time to test if it’s really practical…the feasibility of the relationship was important for me,” Taapsee said in the interview, adding that she has a soft spot for sports.
We continued to meet, and I eventually came to love him because I was clearly fond of and respected by him. Thus, falling in love was not an instantaneous or month-long process. But it’s a reality that I reaffirm in most of my conversations about him: I felt like I met a man when I met him.”
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She added, “I had dated a lot of males before him, and all of a sudden, I met this guy who felt completely different from any boy I had ever dated. The abrupt maturity and sense of security that followed made me think, “Alright, you’ve finally found the man.”
On Reddit, the first footage from Taapsee Pannu and Mathias Boe’s wedding was posted. Taapsee wore a crimson suit and a lot of jewellery for the occasion. Mathias had on a pagdi and sherwani. Following the varmala ceremony, the couple kissed, hugged, and danced together. Taapsee married Mathias in Udaipur on March 23, according to News18. “It was an incredibly private event, with the engagement party starting on March 20.”
Regarding her professional career, Taapsee most recently acted in Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki,Taapsee Pannu has always been candid about her personal life, and in a recent interview, the actress shared an interesting insight into her relationship with husband Mathias Boe. While the couple’s love story is often seen as a fairytale romance, Taapsee revealed that they didn’t fall in love at first sight. Instead, she took her time to truly understand their connection before committing.
Speaking about how their relationship developed, Taapsee said, “We didn’t fall in love right away. It wasn’t that instant connection that everyone expects from a movie romance. I took a moment to check if this was something real.” She went on to explain that she values a strong foundation of trust and respect, and wanted to ensure that they were both on the same page before making the relationship official.
Taapsee and Mathias, a former professional badminton player, tied the knot in a private ceremony, keeping their relationship largely away from the public eye. However, Taapsee has always been open about the importance of taking things slow and not rushing into major decisions, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart.
“It was not like a love-at-first-sight situation, for me at least—I took time to test if it’s really practical…the feasibility of the relationship was important for me,” Taapsee said in the interview, adding that she has a soft spot for sports.
Fans and followers have applauded her honesty, with many expressing admiration for the couple’s grounded and thoughtful approach to love. Taapsee’s revelation only adds to her reputation as a strong, independent woman who carefully evaluates all aspects of her life, both personal and professional.
#TaapseePannu #MathiasBoe #LoveStory #RelationshipGoals #Marriage #HonestConversations #SlowAndSteady #BollywoodActress #LoveLife #PublicFigure
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