The government of Tamil Nadu today launched a low-cost cement called “Amma” to cater to the state’s low- and middle-class customers. The state government price cement at 190 rupees, and these companies sell 50 kilograms of cement in bags at 370-385 rupees.
The state government stated that the plan was launched in Tiruchi and will be extended to other parts of the state before January 10. The state government will purchase approximately 200,000 tons of cement each month from manufacturers and will sell them through 470 inventory locations owned by municipal companies, municipalities, and city hall unions.
Tamil Nadu Cement Company will be the node agency of the plan. On September 29, 2014, the then Chief Minister and Supremo J Jayalalithaa of AIADMK announced the launch of a cement plan under the “Amma” brand. The country has earlier initiated plans under the brands of low-cost canteens, water, salt, pharmacies, fruit and vegetable stores, etc. The schme is named after Jayalalithaa, and her party members generally call her Amma.
Jayalalithaa said in an earlier statement that the plan is to protect ordinary people from the impact of rising cement prices. The state government has decided to purchase 200,000 tons of cement from private companies every month. An official attending the meeting said: “The cement bags that the state government will sell will bear the names of the various manufacturers that supply them.”
News Source : Business Standad