
Telegram founder says over 70 million new users joined during Facebook outage



Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram, said on Tuesday that during the Facebook (FB.O) outage on Monday, the messaging app Telegram gained more than 70 million new users because people around the world have Critical message services cannot be used within an hour.

Facebook attributed its failure to incorrect configuration changes, which prevented its 3.5 billion users from accessing services such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. Durov wrote in his Telegram channel: “Telegram’s daily growth rate exceeded normal levels by an order of magnitude, and we received more than 70 million refugees from other platforms in one day.”

Durov said that because millions of people are eager to register at the same time, some users in the Americas may experience slower speeds, but the service works as usual for most people. Margrethe Vestager, the head of EU antitrust, said that the power outage shows that it is only dependent on the influence of a few large companies and emphasized the need for more competitors.


Russia stated that this incident shows that Moscow is right to develop its own sovereign Internet platform and social network. Market participants said that the nearly six-hour outage of WhatsApp on Monday affected asset transactions from cryptocurrencies to Rosneft, although the rapid shift to alternative platforms such as Telegram limited severe outages.

News Source : Reuters



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