Taapsee Pannu received the Filmfare Award for Best Actor Female for her role in Anubhav Sinha’s film ‘Thappad’ on Saturday evening. Apart from this, the film was also awarded the Best Film Award. In the movie ‘Thappad’, actress Taapsee Pannu reveals the life of a housewife who is slapped during a family program. She then descends against her husband. In the film, Taapsee played a woman named Amrita. Ever since its release last year, Taapsee has been receiving a lot of praise for her acting in the film.
Taapsee also shared another photo of her award. His Filmfare Award is placed on one of his tables in the picture. In the caption of the post, Taapsee thanked him for the role he played in the film. In the caption of the post, he wrote “Respect and happiness, thank you Amrita. This was followed by a flood of congratulations in the comment section of the post. He was congratulated by filmmaker Anurag Kashyap and Dia Mirza.
News Source: OneIndia.Com