After returning from her trip to Europe with her husband, Saif Ali Khan, and their sons, Taimur and Jehangir Ali Khan, the actress Kareena Kapoor has been busy. The Laal Singh Chaddha actor posted a few pictures from the family’s extended vacation on her Instagram page. Kareena is seen in her most recent post from the Europe trip relaxing at a restaurant while wearing a V-neck dress, much to the delight of fashion enthusiasts. If you fall into this category, don’t worry; we know where you can get the precise look for your summer collection.
Kareena Kapoor Khan recently shared her final photo from her summer vacation in Europe on her Instagram page. It depicts the celebrity lounging on a sofa in a British restaurant. She wrote as her caption: “I’m returning home. The season of summer is now over… Get up Get up… Start working, Mumbai I’m ready to meet you.” Kareena picked out the dress for the picture from the racks of the Patrizia Pepe clothing store in Italy. Look at the image below.
The vibrant pastel colours and feminine style of Kareena’s viscose georgette dress make it the perfect option for brunch dates with friends or carefree summer days spent with no worries. It has a side thigh-high slit, a deep V neckline, full sleeves with cinched cuffs, a matching belt to define her waist and highlight her figure, and a pretty floral pattern in various colours.
In the end, Kareena glammed up her holiday outfit with an unmade-up appearance, open side-parted hair, and a nude lip colour. The actor from Laal Singh Chaddha finished it all off with a stylish bracelet.
The upcoming movie Laal Singh Chaddha starring Aamir Khan, Chaitanya Akkineni, and Mona Singh is Kareena’s next endeavour. The movie is scheduled to open in theatres on August 11. It is a certified Hindi remake of the Hollywood movie Forest Gump from 1994.
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