One of Bollywood’s most stylish leading ladies has to be actor Kriti Sanon. And if you weren’t convinced beforehand, the celebrity’s glitzy appearance at the Miss India 2022 grand finale will support our assertion. At the celebrity-studded occasion, where Sini Shetty from Karnataka was crowned the new Miss India World 2022, Kriti wore one of her best outfits. She changed into a chic jumpsuit with cape sleeves in black and white. And if you shared the love for Kriti’s appearance like many of her fans did, we have some happy news for you. We discovered the ensemble’s price information. Scroll down to learn more.
Kriti posted images of her enchanted black-and-white dress on Monday. The celebrity wrote as the caption for her picture: “Together, black and white create memories. and elegant clothing.” Her clothing is from the Safiyaa collection, a high-end apparel retailer based in the United Kingdom, and it was designed by celebrity stylist Sukriti Grover.
In terms of cost, you may purchase Kriti’s ensemble from the Safiyaa website if you want to add it to your wardrobe. A staggering 1,10,790 will get you the Bellara Ivory Harness & Black Takayama jumpsuit (1,158 Pound sterling).
According to the label’s website, the outfit has a jumpsuit and harness combination in terms of design. It has a bodycon silhouette that emphasises the star’s slim frame, flared slacks with floor-grazing hems, an overlay on the off-shoulder square neckline, and full sleeves with long capes linked on the back. It also has a bustier pattern on the torso.
Kriti accessorised the black and white jumpsuit with silver earrings, bold rings, and pointed stilettos. The haircut for the jumpsuit was a sleeked back top bun with a few strands shaping one side of her face.
In order to complete her glam look, Kriti chose sleek black eyeliner, delicate smokey eye shadow, mascara on the lashes, a dewy base, reddened cheeks, dazzling highlighter, glossy nude pink lip tint, and on-fleek brows.
In the meanwhile, Sini Shetty of Karnataka was crowned Miss India World 2022. The 21-year-old was crowned in a formal ceremony as Miss India by Miss India World 2020 Manasa Varanasi.
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