The Karnataka government on Tuesday announced a hike in the Dearness Allowance (DA) payable to its employees in the revised 2018 pay scales and as under the 7th pay commission. As per the order issued by the state government, employees will get 27.25 percent DA with effect from January 1, 2022. The employees currently get 24.50 percent DA.
As per the order, these changes will be applicable to full-time government employees, employees of zilla panchayats, work-charged employees on regular time scales of pay, full-time employees of aided educational institutions and universities who are on the regular time scale of pay.
Along with this, the government gave its nod to the release of an additional instalment of Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners. With this, the DA and DR currently stand at 34 percent. Reportedly, this will benefit around 47.68 lakh central government employees and 68.62 lakh pensioners.