Uttar Pradesh joins other BJP ruled states in making the film ‘The Kashmir Files’ tax-free. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath won a second term as chief minister in the 2022 UP Assembly polls. Several other BJP-ruled states including Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tripura, Goa, and Haryana have made the Vivek Agnihotri-directed movie tax free.
Maharashtra state unit of the BJP has demanded that the local government waive tax on the Bollywood film. Shiv Sena-Congress-NCP’s Maha Vikas Aghadi alliance is in power in the western Maharashtra state. BJP MLA Ram Kadam said if the movie isn’t made tax-free in the state, then all Hindus will protest on the streets.
The film is based on mass killings and the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in the 1990s. The movie has so far generated ₹42.20 crores at the box office within just four days of its release. The film has been written and directed by Vivek Agnihotri, starring Anupam Kher, Mithun Chakraborty, Pallavi Joshi, Darshan Kumaar.
Complete News: Hindustan Times