The announcement of merging the eight Indian Railways civil services has drawn criticism and resistance. Officers have alleged a “lack of clarity” on the IRMS, and raised apprehensions that the merger will reduce “intake” by half. They fear it will also “restrict promotions” and change eligibility criteria for aspirants with engineering background.
Senior officials said the move would end the “turf war” among the various departments within the organisation.
A notification to the effect was issued on 9 February, two years after the Union Cabinet cleared the IR reforms proposal. Entry to the IRMS will be through a common exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. The merger aims to improve efficiency and cut red tape in the public sector behemoth.
The notification does not mention a retrospective effect on the existing positions of officers. The merger of technical and non-technical exams into one (IRMS) is likely to have an impact on recruitment intake.
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