Ulka Gupta and Pravisht Mishra star in the key characters in ‘Banni Chow Home Delivery,’ which debuted on television recently. Audiences have been anticipating Ulka and Pravisht’s on-screen magic since the trailer was released. Ulka Gupta, best known for her role in ‘Jhansi Ki Rani,’ returns to television after a six-year break with this show. Banni Chow Home Delivery had a great response after its premiere, and audiences enjoyed the show’s storyline. Ulka Gupta and Pravisht Mishra’s new coupling appears to be doing wonders for the producers, as the show has already climbed the TRP charts in a short time.
Real names of the Banni Chow Home Delivery cast:
Ulka Gupta, Pravisht Mishra, Harsh Vasishth, Parvati Sehgal, Rajendra Chawla, Sonal Vengurlekar, Payal Gupta, Priyank Tatariya, Alpesh Dixit, Ayush Anand, Sheetal Jaiswal, and Pooja Singh are among the cast members.
Banni Chow Home Delivery was filmed in the following locations:
Mumbai and Jodhpur are the locations for this show’s filming.
The following is a story about Banni Chow’s home delivery service:
The plot centres around Banni, a young, attractive girl who became an entrepreneur at an early age and now proudly operates Banni Chow Home Delivery, a food home-delivery service in Jodhpur. Banni is a fiery yet gentle spirit that provides love in exchange for love but isn’t afraid to spit fire back.
She not only feeds people her great food delights, but she also gives them a lot of love and warmth, something Yuhaan lacks. Yuhaan is a special needs little boy. He only wants to be loved after losing his mother at an early age. We might see Banni in the future, most likely mending Yuhaan with her delicious cuisine and a lot of love and compassion.
Director of Banni Chow Home Delivery:
Jaladh K. Sharma directs Banni Chow Home Delivery.
TRP: Banni Chow Home Delivery
Banni Chow Home Delivery was in second place with 2.3 ratings in the latest TRP report, beating out giants like Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai and others. The show just came out, and it’s fantastic.
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